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About Florence
General touristic information about the town of Florence, from the history of the city, passing by the art and the culture.
Cottages To Castles Luxury Villa Rental
For more than eighteen years Cottages to Castles have been offering the discriminating holiday-maker the first choice in privately-owned and superbly presented villas in Italy - literally from Cottages to Castles.
Florence Guides
High-quality, entertaining and informative walking tours in the Renaissance splendour of Florence, Italy with highly-qualified, professional, fully-licensed, and multi-lingual tour guides.
Go Tuscany
Travel guide offering accommodation listings in Tuscany area, as well as suggested itineraries, maps, cultural and historical information.
LB Freedom Tours
LB Freedom Tours specialises in self-guided cycling and walking holidays throughout Tuscany, Umbria and the Chianti region.
Your Way To Florence
Online guide to the city of Florence in Italy.
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